Saturday, January 30, 2010

Ls Magazine Videos Should Scientology Be A Concern To Society Or Not?

Should Scientology be a concern to society or not? - ls magazine videos

Is it possible that this system seeminly innocent but curious belief cause harm to its members to that? This is not a question that is related to intolerance of the religion of others, of course, can not believe what they want. So basically, is the question we should be afraid that the human sacrifice of those who leave the church or simply run it because he claims to be a religion and people should know what it was, anyway?

Only some basic information for those not familiar with the church and its shady details:
Even if you are familiar with Scientology, you can watch the video (some photos of the autopsy, but warns him first):

Just for information, here is an interview with Penthouse is no nudity (only one picture on the cover of the magazine) with L. Ron Jr. ...



darksphy... said...

Not at all. This indicates that the video cult, not religion Eniro.

The truth is that every religion has these cults. Do you think about their own religion, ie a body. Ussually get a secret society, these groups are, however, appeared recently. Every major religion has a large legal department.

The truth is that these cults are found in all major religions and that ussually get protected by their religion. Ussually get these cults to protect the secrets of their religion, and we all know that every religion has its secrets.

tanja m said...

Well, I do not know much about Scientology, but I dare say there are more religions that are foreign. There are many Scientologists, which they consider dangerous or something - and if not force anyone to join them, I declare that they their belief system. Live and let live.

torrado_... said...

I agree. Excellent source of entertainment. Eating the placenta guarantee entry into heaven?

Pebbles said...

I think Scientology is a big worry for us! Techniques that could be used to subject innocent people and healthy in their belief system of brainwashing, and an annual mass, which is kept totally private. It is a cult, through and through, and I know what shows that more than the fact that when a watchdog group said anti-cult, Scientology has made the whole group and is now adapting a monitoring groups but all major religions entirely in favor of Scientology. This is disturbing and shows that technically are trying to take our right to freedom of expression!

malak said...

No, these are some of them with great pleasure, as Tom. What a hoot!

shakerag... said...

It depends if the stars more involved in the movement, because there is no way that many people who treat them like DD.

judith r said...

This reminds me of some fundamentalist groups, including Jim Jones, David Koresh, and others, and unfortunately the go every day in the Christian world.

~Whatshe... said...

I saw, I do not know much about Scientology, so that this sentence in May ridiculous, but here goes. Who can say what is true, not by someone who really made them white.

I do not agree or not, and I was really over before those words, but from what I saw and what I know, learn what I play a.

If it is true, but ... I do not know .... Other religions are harmful ...

Luna Winter said...

nah not much for me. is like evolution, but religion with a name. I can not believe that Tom Cruise was a truly Catholic when it was before.

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